Saturday, September 9, 2023

London bride

To: M

When we looked through housing options in London and found our budget was only worth a parking lot space, 

I laughed and laughed.

Broken heaters, crappy rooms, tatty Primark sweaters

they didn't matter.

Life in London was less lifeless with you. With you, life in London

was a lot lively. Because of you, I'm thank you. I'm thankful,

for you.

For the lazy afternoons, Chipotle bowls and froyo spoons

Begin-ing walks along regents canal, you're an Angel buddy I 

look forward to every week- end

For your ear and your empathy, the ease of every moment, I'm 

ever grateful.

Though I hate I couldn't be there today, I'm there in spirit always.

You're an inspiration, your determination, I'm proud of the doctor 

you'll become, the bride you are now

I wish you a lifetime of love and laughter, the kind I'm blessed 

by being your honorary sister and friend