Friday, December 31, 2010

day at the museum

this is my favorite museum so far, not that i've been to alot. the field museum is huggeee. a whole day isn't enough but i must say, i've been around the best sections.
what is worth mentioning and what makes it so amazing is that most of the artifacts in the exhibits are REAL.
first stop- the egyptian section. it is incredible how much information there is. you kind of go down underground and read about the mummifications and their 'book of the dead.' then you emerge into an egyptian market where there are more exhibits.
next stop- sue the dinosaur. it is the most complete t-rex in the world. because of sue, scientists learned that t-rex have great sense of smell and that they do not drag their tails. so jurassic park and all those 1900s movies- incorrect. those that have seen the movie 'night at the museum' would probably recognize sue. sue's head is so heavy that it is actually on the second floor and the head that is attached to the body, is fake.
last stop- ancient americas. from ice age to the aztecs to the indians and eskimos, this exhibits covers all of the americas. and yes, it is long and huge.
someday i'll go back and visit the rest of the museum cause it really is awesome.
more later, bahu bahu

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