Thursday, August 26, 2010

it's only like HIGHSCHOOL!

first day of REAL highschool. it is exciting, scary, unnerving, big, chaotic, overwhelming, crazy, and about a million gajillion other things. especially if your highschool has over 3000 kids, and you are one pathetic junior with a sense of direction equivalent to a blind centipede. do centipedes even have eyes? good thing i don't take science here.
highschool is so diverse and also, yepp, my favorite word, random. you can wear anything, whether its pajamas or a dress. there are people from all over the world, but then, its america. there is even a daycare for the student's babies.
the hallways and staircase is like an assorted candy bag. you have to squeeze your way through to get to the top or the front or whereever you're going.
you meet different people in every class and there are so many choices, and so many electives. there are 3 lunch periods, but the cafeteria crams up in every single one that sometimes you just eat outside. to say that its wild would be an understatement.
so this is it, the highschool i've seen only in movies, and finally getting to experience it now.
more later, bahu bahu

Monday, August 23, 2010

to market to market to buy a donut

finished 'the lost symbol' today and realized i did the wrong math packet. but hey, when it comes to math, something's gotta go wrong one way or another. ironic, on the front page of the math packet there is a cartoon of a depressed looking guy sitting in front of a blackboard filled with numbers. the caption says 'he copied the problem wrong'
yeahhh, i love math...not
when i first came, i had absolutely no appetite. and now, im hungry all the time, even without hot food. my new oxygen is called a sandwich, i am going to have to live with it everyday. and my new lover is called the farmer's market powdered donuts. now that, is something i wish i had everyday.
heard that the weather is going to get colder, more reason to want hot food.
school is starting soon. more later. bahubahu

Friday, August 20, 2010

sightseeing the american life

it has been exactly one week from my official arrival here, and whoa, has it been one heck of a week or what. i've been downtown to chicago often, and had really awesome experiences there.
life here seems ideal. it makes me wish everyone had this kind of life. it is so much creative and healthier than the ones i've known.
people spend time actually doing activities. they actually know how to live, and the way the city, town, village etc works, makes them able to live without suffocating from pollution or melting from the heat or whatever.
the cool thing about chicago is that it is everything, from modern to ancient, skyscrapers to beaches, asians to africans, roads to parks etc. and the thing is, all of this, is in the same spot, in chicago. you'd think it would be really chaotic but it actually works out nicely in a perfectly organized city.
oh but there are flaws. for example the train. i just don't get it. you pay for a ticket. hurr, i don't even know how that works. there isn't an exact amount of money that you pay. and the machine doesn't swallow the ticket when you exit. that is just weird. the seating is also badly laid out.
it is pretty late and just thinking about how that train works makes me tired. so.. bahubahu

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

us of a

it feels weird, waking up in the morning, suddenly realizing you're in a different place. i mean, when i dream, its still back in the land of elephants (and maybe panda.) i guess its because the weather is without airconditioning. oh imagine the pain some people would have. (hint-my sister, and about twen ty other people i know.)
it seems like everything in the us of a is huge, in a good way.
chicago isn't just skyscrapers like i've always thought. there is the lake michigan, which is so huge (and i was so lucky to get a chance to sail in it), and there are parks all around the lake. alittle history here- there are parks because after the chicago fire, everything burned down and they rebuilt the whole city and said no skyscrapers could be built near the lake. also because they rebuilt the whole city, the roads and blocks are very organized. Actually the only thing that survived the fire was the water building because it was built with bricks whereas the other buildings were all built with wood. and the story behind the fire is a cow accidentally kicked a lantern. that's it. one cow burned half of chicago. amazing.
the air and water show is a show where military planes fly around with smoke coming out of their butts. pretty cool.
so that's it for now. more later. bahu bahu.

chicago view from lake michigan air and water show skyscrapers

Saturday, August 7, 2010

an introduction to tae talk or lala language:)

holay=hello, hi, sawasdee, ni hao, hola, konichiwa, bonjour
lalaland (n.)= lalaland. nothing more to say xD
eg. i am the king of lalaland.
lanla (adj./v.)= the feeling anyone would get in lalaland. the best feeling anyone could ever get./to achieve that feeling in lalaland or elsewhere.
eg. today was so lanla/ let's go lanla
lalalings (n.) = citizens of lalaland
eg. all lalalings hail the king of lalaland.
boooooo (an expression) = tae. doesn't. like.
wheeeee (an expression)= the feeling of wanting to jump up and down many many times.
whooooo (an expression)= oh yeahh!/yessss!
yayyyy (an expression) = great!/ super! etc.
blaeeee (an expression)= :P
gahhh (an expression)= ewww, shoot, ugh
doodoo (n.)= poopoo, shit, faeces, manure etc.
bahu bahu =goodbye, byebye, sawasdee, jai jian, adios, jaa ne, au revour
bahu bahu!