Saturday, August 7, 2010

an introduction to tae talk or lala language:)

holay=hello, hi, sawasdee, ni hao, hola, konichiwa, bonjour
lalaland (n.)= lalaland. nothing more to say xD
eg. i am the king of lalaland.
lanla (adj./v.)= the feeling anyone would get in lalaland. the best feeling anyone could ever get./to achieve that feeling in lalaland or elsewhere.
eg. today was so lanla/ let's go lanla
lalalings (n.) = citizens of lalaland
eg. all lalalings hail the king of lalaland.
boooooo (an expression) = tae. doesn't. like.
wheeeee (an expression)= the feeling of wanting to jump up and down many many times.
whooooo (an expression)= oh yeahh!/yessss!
yayyyy (an expression) = great!/ super! etc.
blaeeee (an expression)= :P
gahhh (an expression)= ewww, shoot, ugh
doodoo (n.)= poopoo, shit, faeces, manure etc.
bahu bahu =goodbye, byebye, sawasdee, jai jian, adios, jaa ne, au revour
bahu bahu!

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