Monday, August 23, 2010

to market to market to buy a donut

finished 'the lost symbol' today and realized i did the wrong math packet. but hey, when it comes to math, something's gotta go wrong one way or another. ironic, on the front page of the math packet there is a cartoon of a depressed looking guy sitting in front of a blackboard filled with numbers. the caption says 'he copied the problem wrong'
yeahhh, i love math...not
when i first came, i had absolutely no appetite. and now, im hungry all the time, even without hot food. my new oxygen is called a sandwich, i am going to have to live with it everyday. and my new lover is called the farmer's market powdered donuts. now that, is something i wish i had everyday.
heard that the weather is going to get colder, more reason to want hot food.
school is starting soon. more later. bahubahu


  1. im sooo jealous Lalo!!!! seems like u are having loads of fun there ^^. Wow u finished 'the lost symbol' !!! I didn't even touch a book this summer.. i mean i did TOUCH a book but not exactly reading it 55
    miss miss baby

  2. gaygay you finally got like a user! yayy!
    i am going to be touching alot of books, but dont noe if ill finish dem. blaee
    miss yaa sooo muachhhh
